Gentle River,
Nature Sounds,
Singing Birds
Portrayal of
Sakinah (Imam Hussein)
Rubaba Muradova
As A Small Girl
Rubaba Muradova's voice
for the voice of Sakinah
in the Battle of Karbala
September 16, 2019
Rubaba Ishraghi (known as Rubaba Muradova) the legendary artist and singer of Azerbainan (March 22, 1933-August 28-1983) who embodied the small daughter of Imam Hussein Sakinah when she was between 8-10 year-old in the eve of Ashura in Ardabil.
Rubaba Ishraghi by playing the roles of Sakinah who was the small daughter of Imam Hussein at the age of 8-10 and also by playing the roles of ZEYNAB-E-KOBRA, the beloved sister of Imam Hussein both of them as the heroes of Karbala [ at the ages of 13-15]
Rubabe Muradova
(Leyli ve Mecnun operasi,
Leyli rolunda)
"Leyli and Mejnun".
Rubaba Muradova &
Gulu Askerov.
Rubaba Ishraghi by her excellent performance in embodying these figures of Karabala demonstrated the “battle of good versus evil" on the issue of justice on the streets, alleys and as well as within the mosques. Rubaba illustrated beautifully the voices of the small daughter of Imam Hussein at the battle of Karbala.
Eri onu gulleladi,
baldizi ona gore
ozuni yandirdi,
ickiya qursandi
Rubaba Ishraghi by doing her excellence for the tragedy of Karabala established her profession for her future; a profession in the theater & music.
From a narratological point of views Rubaba Ishraghi's roles for the tragedy of Karbala and the epic skeleton of the Karbala narratives in the Ardabil were interpreted marching towards the
frontiers of the feelings and emotions of people.
By playing the roles of four year-old girl Sakinah, the small daughter of Imam Hussein at the battle of Karbala [Sakinah was the youngest daughter of Imam Husain] truly founded the dawn of Rubaba Ishraghi's career in the field of Drama theatre & Drama and Music.
Bir sevgi
Rubabə Muradova
Rubaba Ishraghi who later became the world class artist and one of the great singer of Azerbaijan with the name of "RUBABA MURADOVA" in the eve of Ashura in her childhood played the role of Sakinah and sang for people in Sakinah’s voice telling her bitterness and calamities in the battle of Karbala.
The Battle of Karbala and playing the roles of the small daughter (4-year-old of age) of Imam Hussein on the streets and in the mosques of Ardabil (the northwestern city in Iran) germinated Rubaba Ishraghi's motivation to choose Drama and Theatre Studies in the future;
By presenting and embodying the heroes of Karbala Rubaba Ishraghi introduced herself to all those lovers of Imam Hussein in the city of Ardabil. The portraits of Sakinah and Zeynab-e Kobra by Rubaba ishraghi allowed many people to celebrate her performances.
A deep for the imam Hussein in Ardabil has been huge and a great desire had germinated and
lodged at the heart of Rubaba ishraghi for the portrayals of the heroes of karbala and
the suffering of the Ahl-e Bait is deeply appreciated by the majority of the people in Ardabil.
Rubaba ishraghi was adored by many people in Ardabil for her performances. The “people” of this city admired her, although she was just between 8-10 years old when she performed the roles of Sakinah in the eve of Ashura (s).
Rübabə Muradova -
Rubaba Ishraghi's broken heartedness in regard to the tragedy of the Battle of Karabala is recognized when she was a small girl and when she was 13-15 year-old in Ardabil.
The time of separations for the family members of Imam Hussein was a time which verbalized deeply her emotions.
Rubaba Ishraghi was stricken with her profound shame for the conditions of Sakinah and Zeynab-Kobra when she felt she can't help them in the darkness of this labyrinth of tragedy of Karbala.
In a website "" it reads: "It is quoted in some traditions that Hazrat Sakineh (A.S.) said to her three-year old sister-most likely Hazrat Ruqayyah (A.S.) –in Ashura: "Let's grasp at father's garment not let him go to be killed." "
Hazrat Ruqayyah (A.S.)
"Leyli and Mejnun".
Rubaba Muradova &
Gulu Askerov.
Rubaba Ishraghi's deep feelings converged heavily towards sadness when she learned in some historical and religious contexts that the children of Imam Hussein never be able more to meet each other again. She wept for the stories of them.
Her feelings was deep in regard to the time of these afflictions in regard to the Imam Hussein's family members.
Rubaba Ishraghi established the centrality of the Ahl-e Bait in the devotional culture for learning about the battle of Karbala for her native people in Ardabil.
In the context of Karbala and the resulted tragedies the narrations of Rubaba Ishraghi were strong. She demonstrated the injustice in Karbala by her best efforts.
Rubabe Muradova
Baki vaxti ile
Roza Zergerli
Rubaba ishraghi was able to invoke the understanding of the people in Ardabil by her powerful roles for the heroines of the Ahl-e Bait on the streets and in the mosques of Ardabil.
Choosing to study Drama and Theatre Studies in Ardabil was impossible. There was not such facilities for her in this city.
Understanding the battlefield's results in the tragedy of Karbala and the martyrdom of the Imam Hussein and his family members established the elements of a dynamic drama theater for the teenage girl in Ardabil.
Rubaba Ishraghi thought a lot about Imam Husain’s exclamations in the tragedy of Karabala. Rubaba felt the deep anxiety for Imam Husein in Karabala. Rubaba though a lot about Qasem’s mother, who experienced the exorbitantly pains and suffering.
Rubaba went in the shoes of Imam Hussein when the Imam hears about the news of Qasem’s
martyrdom. Rubaba was deeply sad whenever she though about these events in Karbala.
Rubaba and her mother Siddigha Khanim used to go to the mosques in Ardabil in the days of Muharram. They and the people of Ardabil were weeping when they were hearing the narrations about Qasem’s mother who saw her son’s corpse.
Those mourners in Ardabil and Rubaba & her mother wept when they repeatedly heard that
approaching the tents on horseback on that tragic day.
Obviously when Rubaba Ishraghi undertook the assigned roles in the theaters [in the schools of Ardabil especially in the Safavieh High School] she excelled in her performances.
In Rubaba Ishraghi's mind who was interested in the theater in which the voices and experiences of the women of Imam Husain’s family to be reflected a curiosity was interpreted the itching point. Her deep understanding scratched this itching point.
Rubaba knew that learning theatre which seeks to inspire people can change the minds of many people in a positive way.
The Battle of Karbala was fought on 10 October 680 (10 Muharram in the year 61 AH of the Islamic calendar) between the army of the second Umayyad caliph Yazid I and a small army led by Husayn ibn Ali, the grandson of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, at Karbala, Iraq. *
* Source:
Battle of Karbala
Rain, thunder, thunderstorm
Relaxing sounds of
nature Sleeping sounds of
summer rain
Rubaba Ishraghi who was a small girl had a beautiful voice in Ardabil learned how to be a creative girl and work with magic the molecules of emotions.
When she asked more about learning theater some educated people in her family reminded her that if she wants to study in the field of theater she should know that Theatre Studies at Western countries is a multidisciplinary studies.
In her mind for creation of different narrations, she should learn how to be a good narrator.
The Battle of Karbala and the calamities of Sakinah in Karbala taught Rubaba Ishraghi, a small girl in Ardabil she needs to learn about Drama, Theatre and Performance effectively for her future life.
The Ashura tragedy taught Rubaba Ishraghi a good narration for the sake of emotions can
heighten the drama of every pieces.
The remembering of Karbala tragedy and Sakinah’s sadness in the tragedy of Ashura is what Rubaba Ishraghi learned from her family.
Rubaba used to weep for Sakinah, the four-year old daughter of Imam Husain. She also learned how Qasem’s departure for the battlefield results in his martyrdom
The roles of Sakineh was played by Rubaba Ishraghi as a small girl at the age of 8-10 for the event of Asura.
Rubaba Ishraghi was heartbroken when she learned that Sakinah died from her extreme calamities and grief in the city of Damascus (the current capital of Syria) following the battle of Karbala in Ashura in 680 A.D.
Rubaba's education in this regard founded a breakthrough in her decision for choosing and learning the field of theater as a profession in the future.
The mourning ceremonies in Ardabil for many people who were witnessing these narrations of Karabala tragedy from the sad but very beautiful voice of Rubaba ishraghi manifested how magnificently the first daughter of Molla Khalil Ishraghi had presented the Asura tragedy for the people on the streets and in the mosques.
Rubaba's parents taught their daughter Rubaba earlier about how Sakinah and Fatimah Kubra, dear daughters of Imam Hussain at the battle of Karbala.
Molla Khalil & Siddigha Khanim Ishraghi taught Rubaba how to explore the concept of sacrific ethe concept to uphold the notion of justice.
Rubaba was brought up in Ardabil but she kept in her mind that the waters of the Euphrates River in the 680 A.D. in desert of Karbala in Iraq was cut off from Imam Husain’s small children while they were thirsty.
Rubaba Ishraghi was a small girl at the age 0f 7-10 but she kept weeping for the stories of Imam Hussein's small daughters in Karbala.
In Azerbaijani language Rubaba learned the concept of adālat. For the members of the Ishraghi family the women of the Ahl-e Bait got the highest degree of values.
Rubaba Ishraghi as a small girl in Ardabil learned especially the stories of these small daughters of Imam Hussein in the eve of Ashura.
Rubaba Ishraghi felt the pains and suffering of the small daughters of Imam Hussein are her own pains and their experiences in the calamities and difficulties which inflicted on them, is also inflicting her in the mind.
Rubabaa Muradova for a long time completely was filled with the thoughts of kissing the soil of Ardabil city and walking the streets and alleys where she represented herself in the days of Ashura of Muharram (at the ages 8-10) as the daughter of Imam Hossein, namely "Sakineh"
Rubaba Muradova is the same small girl who represented herself and played the roles of the small daughter of Imam Hossein whose name was "Sakineh". The mother of Sakineh was "Rubab" in the 680 A.D.
In the Desert of Karabala in the 680 A.D. children and babies were deprived of accessing water by the thyrants.
One of he brave woman of Karabala was "Rubab", the wife of Imam Hossein . She was like Zeynab the siter of Imam Hossein in pains and suffering.
Rubaba Muradova was mourning in the day of Ashura how Rubab the mother of Sakineh on the eve of Ashura was weeping and the flood of her tears were streaming down on her cheeks.
Why? Because she was searching for water for her small daughter namely "Sakineh". Water became a symbol in Rubaba Muradova's life.
Even when she was dying in the city of Baku in August 1982, she repeated the word of Sakineh, the daughter of Imam Hossein: "I want water."
Rubaba Muradova's beautiful voice for mourning in the Ashura was so influential so that all people on the streets who were mourning allowed the flood of their tears to stream down on the surface of their cheeks.
The small girl of Imam Hossein wanted water. The tyrant of karabala "Yazid" and his men blocked all the ways for accessing water for small babies and children like "Sakinhe"
Rubaba Muradova, in her 13-15 ages, played and represented the roles of Imam Hossein's sister, Hazrat Zeynab in the day of Ashura.
Rubaba's voice on the day of Ashura did burst the flood of tears from the eyes of the mourners by penetrating into all about 50 trillion cells with a human body. This haooened on the streets and alleys of Ardabil City.
Since December 1946, she filled the spaces of her heart with sorrows and thorns of nostalgia so abundant unto August 28m 1983 she died.
For people from Western Europe, America and East Asia, a glass of water from THE ARAZ RIVER has an allegorical interpretation; an allegorical image of kissing Rubaba Muradova's desires for seeing her home in Ardabil.
Her Music, her ways to spirituality and the beauty of her soul were all known for millions of people in Azerbaijan, Turkey, Iran and Russia.
(Leyli ve Mecnun operasi,
Leyli rolunda)
baldizi ona gore
ozuni yandirdi,
ickiya qursandi
Rubabə Muradova
Rubaba Muradova &
Gulu Askerov.
Baki vaxti ile
Roza Zergerli
Relaxing sounds of
nature Sleeping sounds of
summer rain
Rübabə Muradova
Rubaba Muradova
To See
Ardabil City
No Fruition
Since 1946
September 16, 2019
Rubaba means the flower of Rose and the rose-tinted pleasure in her nostalgia for seeing Ardabil has a significant meaning. Rubaba had always a nostalgic and pensive attitude to many issues.
A river like the Araz didn't lose its symbolic range of meaning as the lifeblood of a legendary singer who was deprived seeing her home city by the dirty politics in the twentieth century.
Rubaba's nostalgia is understandable. The water in the Araz river became as water from a river of Paradise for her.
Yaqoub Zoroufchi (born 1956
in Charandab-Tabriz-
Died of COVID-19
on 14 Sep 2021
in Yeni Azerbaijan
Hospital in Baku)
By saying: Fill my cup with water from the Araz river, she presented an allegory of her Free Will in the last day of her life.
The significance and function of Rubaba Muradova's allegorical wish in a cup of water from the Araz river for her understanding is necessary.
Su sesi ve
ormanda kuş ötüşleri
Filling a cup with water from THE ARAZ RIVER has a deep symbolic meaning to understand the pains and suffering of the great singer of Azerbaijan Rubaba Muradova.
Filling a cup with water from the Araxes river became the final desire in her short life. She was not from a distinguished and privileged family. She was first child of her family who raised 7 children (5 daughters and 2 sons).
We are talking about Rubaba Muradova whose last wish from her youngest sister Tahrirah Muradova was: "FILL MY CUP FROM THE ARAZ RIVER."
A Beautiful "Mugam-Music"
By A Female Artist
(from Azerbaijan)
The legendary artist of Layli-Majnoun Opera of Azerbaijan who was the great singer of all times made her thoughts beautifully as if her thoughts were clouds in the sky of Azerbaijan.
from a distinguished and privileged family.
Rubaba Muradova likened clouds which form when water evaporates and goes high up in the sky. Her thoughts resembled to these clouds and her emotions were likened to winds.
When Rubaba wishes a cup of water from THE ARAZ RIVER, then she thinks this water primarily was as a cloud in the sky of Ardabil and Tabriz.
From her childhood in Ardabil Rubaba Ishraghi used to experience the constant winds blowing on the surface of her face in the nature of the beautiful landscpes; especially the "KaahRa-Lan" winds in Ardabil. The blowing of winds meant a deep meaning to this Azerbaijani artist.
In the exile [in Republic Azerbaijan), where she became the most distinguished artist and singer, she used to imagine that her emotions (winds) are pushing her thoughts (clouds) forward when she make her imaginative journey to Ardabil and the Savalan Mountain.
In the last days of her life in August 1983, Rubaba asked her sister: "FILL MY CUP FROM WATER WHICH FLOWS IN THE ARAZ RIVER."
WATER (H20) of THE ARAZ RIVER was created when THE CLOUDS over Ardabil City (RUBABA'S THOUGHTS) was pushed by her deep emotions (winds) in regard to these memories:
" Herhome on an alley "Darband" in a district known as the Alla Gappi District in Ardabil City, about her memories from the childhood classmates, from the neighbors, from her memories of the HOT SPRINGS in SAREYIN CITY, THE HOT SPRINGS in VILLA-DARRA Village in Ardabil , The Famous Museum of "SHEIKH SAFI-EDDIN" and the wonderful place around THE SAVALAN MOUNTAIN".
Rubaba Muradova:
Filing a cup with water from THE ARAZ RIVER means this water comes from my thoughts (clouds), my emotions (winds). This water symbolizes my longing to Ardabil (my thoughts and emotions).
My emotion (wind) mirrors itself in my longing to my home in Ardabil since my departure in December 1946. This emotion (wind) pushes forward my thought (cloud) forward as long as my wish for seeing Ardabil is not fulfilled.
Those clouds (my thoughts) seen are floating in the skies of the AREAZ RIVER, in the sky of Ardabil rain and make water in the ARAZ RIVER and in ARDABIL CITY.
Those clouds (my thoughts about Ardabil) are pushed by my emotions (winds) along on Rubaba Muradova's feelings.
Ruba Muradova wants a cup of water from the ARAZ river. This water is the extract of her longing to seeing her home city Ardabil. This longing were her thoughts (clouds) and her emotions (winds).
Rubaba Muradova : "Fill my cup with water from the Araz river.
Her soul in drinking water from "THE ARAZ RIVER" reflects a nostalgy.
In her both love to a cup of water from the Araz River and her battles with dying.
For her because of proximity of the water from the ARAZ RIVER to Ardabil City meant also the water from THE ARAZ RIVER loved her above all things just because she belonged to this water for life.
Water and Life meant a lot to her. Water means life for Rubaba Muradova demonstrated how her life was devastated through her separation from her home city Ardabil by the Araz River.
The purpose of Rubaba Muradova's life was not to be separated from her home in Ardabil City. The ARAXES River between the northern Azerbaijan and the Azerbaijani province Ardabil in the northwestern of Iran was THE GREAT POLITICAL WALL between the East Soviet and the West.
For Rubaba Muradova "THE ARAZ RIVER" symbolized her desire for life. Filling a cup from the ARAZ RIVER meant for her: to cross the Araz river and to kiss her family's home in Ardabil for last moments of her life and die in her home city Ardabil.
Rubaba Muradova in the last moments of her life asked her youngest sister Tahira Muradova about "Araz River's aqua vitae" namely "water of life from Araz River".
We know that water means life and the last wish from Rubaba Muradova implied that her last moments of life wants to be wedded with her beloved Araz water.
This Rubaba's latest wish when she was dying, can truly change your perspective of life when you try to understand the impacts of the Cold War between Soviet Union and the USA and Great Britain in controlling Azerbaijan and its wealth including its oil reserves.
The Araxes River (in Azeri "ARAZ RIVER"; in Farsi "ARAS RIVER) became the battledground for the dawn of the Cold war between the East and the West in December 1946.
Rubaba Muradova and her family escaped from the military invasions by the US General Herbert Norman Schwarzkopf Sr.[who was the head of the federal Gendarmerie of Iran & was appointed by the Franklin D. Roosevelt, the US President] to Soviet Azerbaijan in December 1946.
Rübabə Muradova -
İndi sevmirəm
Rübabə Muradova -
Getme Getme
Azerbaijan, with its neighboring countries shares the sub-basin of the Araz River (Aras River) with a total area of 102,000 km2.
Araz River (or Aras) originates in Turkey.
It is the common boundary between Republic Azerbaijan and the three southern Azerbaijani provinces in Iran ( Orumieh (Urmia, the capital of Iran's West Azerbaijan Province; Tabriz is the capital of Iran's Central Azerbaijan Province and Ardabil is the capital of Iran's East Azerbaijan Province).
Rubaba Ishraghi was born and raised in Iran's northwestern Ardabil Province until December 1946;
the dawn of the Cold War confrontation between the East (Soviet Union) and the West (the USA and Great Britain) in controlling the oil resources in Iran's northwestern Azerbaijani provinces.
On 12 February 2013, the website "" published an article entitled " Rubaba Muradova: Fill My Cup From Araz Water" written by Aida Ayvazli. The author wrote:
"Despite Rubaba Muradova's absence for many years since her death in 1983, she remains still a beloved singer among the Azerbaijani population and her name and memories are alive."
The author went on to add, "There is no single person in Azerbaijan who say she or he does not like the Rubaba Muradova's voice or her performances."
The writer of this article continued: "Whenever we hear her voice, this voice after many years is for us a fresh voice and when we listen her voice this voice truly mirrors our souls." [Səsini nə zaman eşitsək də yenidir, ruhumuzu oxşayır.]
The author went on to say, "The contemporary Azerbaijani singers who sing the songs performed earlier by Roubaba Muradova, they (these singer) become quickly very the popular singers in the country and very quickly their names become known."
The article addressed this: " There is absolutely no dispute that when we listen to the voice of a soulful singer like Rebaba Muradova with her soul songs, then our emotions became awakened and our feelings become refreshed as if a gentle spring breeze Blowing softly through our souls and make our souls beautiful and happy."
The author noted, " When I listen to her voice, sometimes seems to me even those who are ready to commit a crime, when they listen to the voice of Rubaba Muradova and her songs, they will give up their evil intentions because of the charm effects of this wonderful voice."
....Doldur piyaləmi Arazdan mənim... – Rübabə Muradova
The journalist in "" wrote: "Rubaba Muradova is a kind singer who was able to mix beautifully the content and the spirit of the Mugama music and as well as the performed Tasnifs with the elements of her pains and suffering she had experienced in her life. She sang them with the deepest sadness recognizable in her voice which resembled to the lightning of the flames within her heart reflecting the conditions in which she was immersing if she tried not to say anything, not to complain anything, but everything was tangible in her voice for the listeners who listen to her songs."
The author addressed this: " All these sorrows and sadness in Rubaba Muradova's performances have their own reasons. Because Rababa Muradova by her voice and her songs tried to recite the conditions of her heart and her mind to people who listen her songs. It resembled those sounds were a translation for the beauty of her home city Ardabil. In her voice there was the pain and sorrow of the unconditional love, the pain of Araz, the pain of the Motherland ..."
Rübabə Muradova _
Ahu kimi
Rübabə Muradova gözəl
The author of this article quotes Tahira Muradova, the youngest sister of Rubaba Muradova as saying, "In order to understand Rubaba Muradova as an artist, you need to begin a journey into inside of her body so that you experience her pains and suffering ."
The author quotes from Tahira Muradova this: " In very important branches of art, there is less time available for an artist to spend with his or her family. Either you sacrifice your art or you sacrifice your family. You have not other choices available to decide."
Tahira Muradova: "Rubaba Muradova was a true representative for joy and pleasure in the whole Muslim nations in the Eastern world."
The author of this article talked about her last desires from her sister Tahira Muradova of the legendary artist of Azerbaijan Rubaba Muradova :
"Rubaba Muradova instructed her sister Tahirah if the a traveling for you to Ardabil become possible, then take some amount of the soil from Ardabil and after your return to Azerbaijan sprinkle it into my grave."
The article quotes Tahira Muradova as saying: "Rubaba Muradova passed away soon. After several years, Tahira Muradova was allowed to go to Ardabil City by authorities. The availability of the exact information which were provided by her sister, Rubaba, helped her to locate the exact address in which the Ishraghi family's home in Ardabil."
The quotation from Tahira Muradova went on" "All relatives of the Ishraghi family lined up to say hello and hug her as a precious reminiscent from Molla Khalil Ishraghi & Siddigha Khanim & Rubaba Muradova who were not alive any more."
....Doldur piyaləmi Arazdan mənim... – Rübabə Muradova
Yaqoub Zoroufchi (born 1956
in Charandab-Tabriz-
Died of COVID-19
on 14 Sep 2021
in Yeni Azerbaijan
Hospital in Baku)
ormanda kuş ötüşleri
By A Female Artist
(from Azerbaijan)
Ahu kimi
Üzüb Menden
Rübabə Muradova
uca dağlar
Rübabə Muradova
3 Hours of
by Peder
B. Helland
Piano Music:
Beautiful Music,
Relaxation Music,
Sleep Music,
Relaxing Music
Chillout -
"Kavir e Del"
"Saghi Bebbin
"Aghardi Sachim"
(My Hairs
Grown Gray"
Vefa Serifova:
Vefa Serifova:
Osman Navruzov:
Gamze Otken-
"Turkish Mashup"
Gamze Otken:
"Ask Olsun"
Osman Navruzov:
(Toylar'da, 2020)